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= Alpha - new Tcl folder configuration
Reorganisation carried out by Vince Darley with much help from Tom
Fetherston, Johan Linde and suggestions from the Alpha-D mailing list.
Alpha is shareware; please register with the author using the register
button in the about box.
Motivation for these changes:
•Make Alpha more efficient (hooks, cache,...)
•Fix bugs
•Make Alpha more flexible and easily expandable (packages, hooks, installer)
•Make Alpha work more efficiently with Tcl 8 (I hope one day Pete'll
upgrade). With Tcl 8, almost certainly there will have to be significant
changes, but they should now be mostly internal (i.e. just rewrite a number
of core procedures so procs/var/namespaces/packages interact properly, and
modes/menus/packages themselves will work almost without change, I hope).
•If Alpha does upgrade to Tcl 8, that allows it to use the standard Tcl
shared libraries, which will mean big memory savings for people who also
like to use tcl/tk (but memory loss for people who don't, since tcl8
is bigger than tcl7.4). Also Tcl 8 is 2-10 times faster which would be nice ;-)
(Note Tcl is now up to Tcl8.0p2 which fixes a few important bugs)
•Other advantages of Tcl8: more robust filesystem commands, resource
editing with the 'resource' command, socket support, possibility of
using Tk. Some anticipated problems: need to globally replace 'lsort -nocase'
by 'lsort -dictionary', and regexps are too primitive for Alpha, so the 'nre'
package should be used.
= Known issues:
•) package-menus list is only updated at startup, not if you just rebuild the
package index without restarting
•) Many known bugs listed in the "Bug Reports and Debugging" readme
= To Do:
turn off paragraph-auto-wrap-on-open for non-text modes? (how?)
= 7.0final released
• added 'saveUnmodified' which saves a file but keeps the old
modification date.
• changes to elec::Wrap to synchronise with TeX mode's wrapObject
• added 'file writable' and 'file size' checks to query web for package list.
• inserted templates indent correctly irrespective of tab size
(really works now!)
• procPatching uses saveUnmodified to avoid problems with updating
Alpha's code in the future.
• TeX smart paste works
• Mercutio 1.5 final
• latexSizes improved.
• getOpts more flexible
• improved bringToFront, revert, TeX smart paste,
• Del key works on all keyboards again.
• added aevt code to core, plus Jon's fixes. Make sure you remove
'Packages:aevt.tcl' if you have it.
• moved some code to 'CorePackages', just to make things a bit more
modular. It's for code which the core needs, but is sufficiently
separated from the messy, interlinked SystemCode stuff that it
makes sense to keep it separate. (Ideally everything in systemcode
should be organised even more and almost everything will end up in
CorePackages). Makes maintaining and improving things easier...
= 7.0final (?) released
• fix to win.tcl
• added packages prefs page (add to it using alpha::addToPreferencePage)
• couple of other minor changes (various packages updated...)
= 7.0fc4 released
• more improvements to hook.tcl
• package::findAllExtensions fix (minor)
• fixed patch-level back to ""
• version in get-info is in sync again.
• setFontTabs fixed to not dirty window.
• added '.' to quote::Regfind list
• can use netscape etc for updating site listings. It fails
initially, but then you are told to wait till the listing is
complete and then select a new menu-item.
• split fileUtils into winUtils and fileUtils.
• minor changes to indentation.tcl
• Mercutio MDEF 1.5b2 (contains important fixes)
• recentFiles, docProjects, newDocument improvements/fixes from Andreas, Jon.
= 7.0fc3 released
• very cool menu dimming from Andreas
• HTML carriage-return problem fixed
• TeX fill paragraph small fix
• another completion tutorial fix
• Tcl var completion better
• better menu enabling/disabling
• better TeX completions tutorial
• modula 2 mode now available
• improved replaceInFileset
• internal change so '[win::Current]' or '[win::CurrentTail]' are much more
efficient than '[lindex [winNames ?-f?] 0]' (or [car [winNames ?-f?]]
• better menu dimming, a few internal changes to hook.tcl
• winModes renamed to win::Modes (although it shouldn't really be used
outside of the core code), use 'new -m MODE' instead.
• Mercutio MDEF 1.3.5b1 - fixes two potentially crashing bugs.
= 7.0fc2 released
• 'save' dimmed as appropriate
• variety of internal changes for better Tcl 8 compatibility
(I think the Tcl code will work unchanged now with either Tcl7.4 or Tcl8.0)
• better startup error reporting
• some improved documentation
• filesetsMenu minor improvements
• latexSizes better
• inserted templates indent correctly for any tabsize, by noting the
indentationAmount pref (both basic and V'sA templates)
• various completion tutorial improvements from Tom Fetherston
• some latex/bib improvements/fixes
• internationalMenus pkg fixes (thanks Frederic)
= 7.0fc1p1 and p2 released
• TeX improvements
• 'new' fix to bug introduced in fc1 release.
• listAllBindings and listGlobalBindings
• describe mode gives help text too if it is short.
• internationalMenus package available thanks to Andreas
• bunch of fixes from all sorts of people -- thanks v. much.
• TeX::indentLine now operates
• smarterSource will be activated much earlier at startup if you use
• you may need to remove your preference setting for 'package::loaded'
for things to work correctly wrt turning packages on and off -- this
is due to some internal changes in the fc1p2 release.
• added dialog::yesno which returns 1,0 or error rather than the built in
askyesno which you always have to use '== "yes"' with.
• electricMenu and shell improvements/fixes (thanks Frederic)
• latexSizes has user-specifiable bindings
• Diff mode copes with context-sensitive Diffs, and has a special
preference for them. also for directory comparisons now.
• Some more international-menus/keys improvements.
• better and new electric completions in TeX mode
• added the 'alpha::package disable' subcommand. This allows you to
specify a script to be evaluated when the user disables a package.
• 'blink' shows some context if the blink location is offscreen.
• menu::uninsert proc so you can remove previously inserted items.
• better Tcl completions
= 7.0fc1 released
• useful new proc 'app::isRunning list-of-sigs ?name? ?sig?' which
returns 1 if an app with one of the given sigs is running, 0
otherwise. Also if you pass it the name of a variable (or two).
They are set to (using upvar) the name of the app and the actual
sig of the app. This proc uses a good regexp rather than scanning
the 'processes' list one element at a time.
Remember: if your mode/menu/extension needs a feature from a new
release of Alpha, just add the line:
alpha::package require Alpha 7.0b4p2
or something similar. Additionally the installer can use the
optional flag '-require {Alpha 7.0fc1}' to warn the user on
• some fixes from Johan (filesets etc)
• keyboard pop-up in international prefs.
• greek keybinding fix for TeX mode
• betterTemplates improvement
• minor Tcl::Markfile fix
• latexSizes package available
• simple international keyboards pop-up thanks to Andreas. If your
keyboard isn't there, define a new 'keyboards' array entry. See
international section of the manual for details.
• some purgeable resource fixes from Andreas
• completion proc uses the current mode's wordBreak definition rather
than a default (TeX mode completions work properly again)
• carriageReturn fixes a long-standing beginning of comment-line bug.
• improved 'new' and Calc mode a little bit.
• handleReply now uses a queue rather than a stack. Also
'currentReplyHandler' always adds to the end of the queue unless
you give it an optional parameter '1' which says add only if there
are no duplicates.
• alpha downloads menu improved, and finds the downloaded installer
more robustly.
• fixed hierarchical fileset update bug due to not storing all info
in the cache. On restart, new submenus wouldn't actually work
before, until you rebuilt the entire menu.
• Tcl-dbl-click faster now.
= 7.0b4p1 released
• a few 'switch --' bugs fixed (you should nearly always add '--' after
regexp, switch etc for safety ;-)
• prefs menu looks nicer
• proper unix.tcl included
• changed DeskTop to Desktop in some Alpha dialogs (will be in next
non-patch release).
• describe mode fix for modes not registered as packages (Text, PS, etc)
• disabling of the current-mode menu when there's no window.
• bindings opt-p and shift-opt-e for pi and e in Calc mode.
• Updated to mercutio mdef 1.3.4 (again in next non-patch release only)
fixes bugs, looks better with OS 8.
• added two icons
• made a dialog resource purgeable that wasn't but should have been (777)
• renameTo moved to file menu (as a dynamic item)
• added ctrl-m binding to 'nextMatch'
• few internal changes.
• removed some obsolete stuff from "Alpha Commands"
• improved alpha downloads menu
• docProjects no longer require newDocuments
• C++ marking improved
• dialog::findApp bug-fix
• llindex more robust.
• gnuplotMode.tcl works with 7.0 again (unofficial version)
= 7.0b4 released
• saveHook backup-fix
• related document-projects improvements
• globalMenus fix
• removed compatibility.tcl
• specialkeys fix
• number of useful fixes from Johan
• 'don't show log' in installer actually works now!
• 'file rename' in file-utils menu
• textures interaction fixes
• appPaths.tcl fixes
• fixes from Tom Fetherston
• new hook 'launch' with which you can register to be called when an
app with a given sig is launched: hook::register launch myproc $sig
• extension documentation improvements
• auto_reset called by rebuildTclIndices (but not by auto_mkindex since
standard Tcl doesn't do that)
• HTML + related modes updated from Johan.
= 7.0b3p1 released
• Tcl, C++, TeX, Shel mode improvements
• Key-binding fix (one old one new)
• 'special keys…' menu item
• latex mode 'choose command' currently removed.
• -provide {pkg version pkg2 version ...} install script flag now
available. This checks that there isn't a newer version already
= 7.0b3 released
• bunch of fixes from Johan
• package-index is auto-rebuilt if Alpha version changes and it isn't uptodate
• startup improvements (more robust)
• Tcl, C++, TeX mode improvements
• install flag -forcequit
• install flag '-rebuildquit' is ignored now. Alpha always rebuilds and asks
if you want to quit (unless -forcequit in which case you must quit)
• the rebuilding process takes place once your install script has completed.
• menu::buildSome cleaner now
• bunch of other fixes improvements from Johan, Tom
• HTML, Frontier, Javascript modes improved.
• Diff mode improved.
= 7.0b2p1 released
• '-exact' flag supported by package require
• miscellaneous minor fixes.
• some 'unix' code now in coreFixes.tcl, rest improved and no longer needed
at startup
• recursiveRm gone. Replaced by '-r' option to rm.
• diff mode no longer requires both windows to be present to synchronise
movement. For example you may open a .diff file and look at it. Then
you can open the left diff window (using a menu item). Diffs in that
file are subsequently highlighted. Then you can locate the right diff
window and continue...
• package help item can now be:
file "name" --- a file in the Help folder
[script] --- a script to open/edit the help file (usually jump to a mark)
text --- a lot of text which will be put in a window for you
• small package::require fix (when errors happened)
• small mode-file matching improvement for Unix eol files.
• smartPaste better
• tclMode, C++ mode better
• package menu quicker --- abandoned the invisible non-help items since
with the new 'help' package sub-command it's very easy to add help.
• wwwMode is now wwwMenu (why wasn't it always?? -- thanks tom)
• Tcl mode has surroundwithbullets again
• paste, supersearch improvements
• removed silly 'indentFollowsTab' flag, simplified a number of indentation
• latex mode simplifications
• new proc 'elec::replaceText'
• C++ mode has a work-around in indent-line for an Alpha-core bug.
Activate the new flag in the mode-prefs to use it.
• diff mode patching with only one of two windows present.
• diff flags preference changed from global to Diff mode var.
= 7.0b2 released
• a misc dialog fix
• word completion improvement
• icons for python and supercard modes
• installer more robust to systemcode changes
• some searching fixes (but see the 'supersearch' package too)
• 68k resources available now.
• modes with <mode>::correctIndentation defined have smart pasting if
you install the smartPaste package.
= 7.0b1p2 released
• ${mode}::startPara, endPara are used by fillParagraph if they exist.
• paragraph filling in Shel mode
• added international prefs, and note in manual under International Users.
• prefs dialogs handle item grouping
• installer can remove directories
• installer dialog re-sizes better
• Tcl mode can do remote stuff
• a few contributed bug-fixes (thanks!)
• added help sub-command to alpha::package to help packages locate help files.
• recent files menu much faster building
• appPaths.tcl imporvements
• error log options
• cache sub-dirs work ok
• renamed some of the package index stuff --- all stored in one subdir in
the cache now.
• cache improvements
• alpha now prefers mode procs to be called '<mode>::markFile',
'<mode>::electricLeft' etc. This will make things much more efficient
and simple when Alpha upgrades to Tcl 8.
• better Tcl::electricLeft
• new takes optional arg '-m <mode>' to set the mode of a new window
directly. It also now returns the actual name of the window created.
• alpha remembers mode menu changes again now---newly introduced bug ;-(
• replace in fileset handles regexp and case-insensitive now
= 7.0b1p1 released
• auto-loading extensions treated differently (extension without startup code)
• a menu fix
• menu::buildSome better
• a local directory '${HOME}:AlphaPrefs:' takes precedence over the one in
the system/prefs folder if it exists.
• template insertion with no stops bug fixed
• package version checking/handling better
• TeX problems fixed
• improvements to Shell mode
= 7.0b1 released
• various fixes to TeX mode
• ftpMenu improvements, app dialog too (thanks Johan)
• Tcl mode stuff from Tom
• help file improvements
• electric menu better
• diff mode improving...
• few other minor problems
• added key symbols for a few standard bindings to menus
• diff mode much better.
• fixed startup problems
• alpha package deals with extensions, modes and menus
= 7.0a4 released
• package uninstall command now exists (see end of the Packages Help file)
• rename package to alpha::package to avoid problems if Alpha uses Tcl 8.0
• Menus directory is now recursively scanned.
• changed some Tcl-mode menu bindings
• other fixes from Tom, Johan.
• rewrote Alpha's mode and menu loading scheme to be more like the one for
packages. This is altogether better. Since we have to rebuild indices
when we install something new, we might as well extract the startup
information. Hence there are new commands 'alpha::mode' and
'alpha::menu' which behave like 'alpha::package' in that they declare
a few required things (name, version, dummyProc, extensions etc.) and
contain an optional startup script. Now on startup Alpha doesn't need
to scan the modes and menus directories. Big time-saving!
• made package-menus a separate menu item --- they are a different kind of
thing, since they can be turned on and off at will (unlike packages which
usually require a restart), and the user may wish to access them more
• uninstall works ok now.
• new latex mode
• fixed some diff mode bugs.
• new combined help file 'extending alpha'
•) keys::toBind has problems with modified bindings. This is the problem:
'eval bind [keys::toBind /1«X»] refresh'
works ok, but
'eval bind [keys::toBind /1<U«X»] refresh'
doesn't, since 'shift-1' is in fact '!', so we need /!<U«X», but it will
work if we have 'ctrl' as well as shift (for some reason...). I'm not
too sure how to fix this.
Fixed keys::toBind now, but in a keyboard dependent way (I think). I don't
think there's any other way. There are two variables keys::mapShiftBindFrom
and keys::mapShiftBindTo which contain the mapping required. Perhaps these
should be put in an 'advanced' preferences dialog.
= 7.0a3 released
• Reorganised SystemCode and UserCode directories. Removed a lot of
obsolete code and put it in the 'Compatibility' directory, so it's
still there if anyone wants it.
• Modified basic word-completion
procedures and added general purpose indentation, electric and
template code. Some of the new code merely replicates the
functionality of the old, some is completely new. All of it is very
easy to extend and enhance with new templates, completion
mechanisms,… The idea is to keep Alpha's core code simple, but allow
people to add things on without having to mess with that core too
• Added similarly extensible option-titlebar-click procedures.
Pop-up menu: to look for related files, option click in a window's titlebar
for a list of #included files, or files in the same directory or files
which form part of the same TeX document (it's a mode-dependent menu).
• Added regisearch.
• Simplified the flags/vars/mode/global dialog code. It's now easy to
use for your for packages which aren't modes - so you can add an extra
panel in the global options dialog with the name of your package.
Also added a new option: previously if 'menuFlags($var)' was set
then 'var' was one of the given list of items. Now, that is still true,
but separately, if 'flag::options($var)' is set, then var appears to
the options dialog as one of the given list of items, but behind the
scenes is just an index 0,1,2, etc. into that list.
Finally the 'mode' dialog can also be used by separate packages which
do not keep a copy of all their variables in the global scope.
You just do "dialog::pkg_options Pkg" where all your vars are
stored in 'PkgmodeVars'.
• Added 'package' commands. A simple package should just contain a
single line 'alpha::extension Pkg 0.95' somewhere in its file for all
auto-loading, activation, deactivation, ... to work correctly. Such
a line will cause the package to be loaded at startup. A nicer
package will also provide the script:
alpha::extension Pkg 0.95 script
where 'script' is a script which does what is necessary to
initialise the package so that all other capabilities can be carried
out through autoloading. A simple example might be:
alpha::extension Compare 1.0 {
menu::addTo Compare winInPlace
which would add an item to the compare menu which when selected
would call the procedure 'compare::winInPlace'. This means the
entire file ("compare.tcl" or whatever it might be called) is only
loaded when used. That's obviously a bit better, so packages are
encouraged to use this latter technique.
Packages may require or test the existence of other packages.
Just use:
alpha::package require VinceAdditions 7.82
if [alpha::package exists VinceAdditions 7.82] { ... }
Version numbers are now handled as in standard Tcl 8. If a version
number appears incompatible, an error occurs.
• Added hook and cache procedures.
• Bound 'opt-P' in the Tcl menu to find a procedure definition using
command completion in the status window.
• Added hooks so packages can put items in the 'current mode' and
'global' menus. The latter is especially useful for packages.
• Added proc 'newPref' which should be used instead of 'newModeVar'
• Package system streamlined somewhat, version numbers work a bit
more like Tcl.
• Removed old install menu, and install proc. This means there is
no way to select between latex2e and latex2.09, and no way to
install the old electric-alias code. Perhaps someone won't like
that. TeX mode can always add a modeVar to toggle between 2e and
2.09 if people actually use the old stuff any more.
• Alpha now starts up ok with 'packages disabled' (hold down shift)
• Added a trial key-binding dialog from HTML mode.
• Note a subtle change due to the new hooks procedures. ChangeMode
hooks are only called when the mode does actually change. The old
behaviour was odd (they would also be called on activateHook and
some other events). Modes (such as TeX) which relied on the old
behaviour must be fixed ('upgraded' ;-).
• Split off all mode-completion routines into a separate directory.
They are only loaded when necessary.
• Added a 'coreFixes.tcl' file which contains workarounds for bugs
in Alpha's hard-coded procedures.
• Major overhaul of TeX, Bib modes to incorporate a lot of
code: integrates with filesets better, more searching capabilites
for bibliographies/citations. Also fixed up those modes for
the new Tcl scheme.
• Fixed problem with flags dialogs (thanks Tom)
• Fixed bug in activateHook
• Added dynamic menu item for 'spellcheckSelection' (use Ctrl)
• Added 'Install' menu. Any file whose name ends in ' Install' or
' INSTALL', or whose first line contains the word 'install' (any
case) will be opened in the new 'Inst' mode. This mode has an
install menu, which will allow easy installation of the package
to which the window belongs.
• Fixed a couple of subtle bugs in the dialogs code.
• mode::init hooks are called when a mode first starts up. You can
add new mode vars, manipulate menus etc. However: mode-vars are
not yet global, and menus are not yet in the menu bar.
• Incorporated numerous fixes and improvements from Johan.
• Improved package-index-rebuilding. Now when a 'package ifneeded'
command is reached, the 'source' command is aborted, using a
'return -code return' command. This means the rest of the file is
not sourced. This is both quicker and less likely to cause trouble.
• Install menu code moving along. Open any file whose name ends in
"Install" to have a look.
• Fixed subtle startup bug; the list of modeVars was being reset.
• Decent installation dialog now. Reorganised code into 'install.tcl',
'package.tcl' and 'procUtils.tcl'. Probably still some bugs in the
install code.
• documentation fix: 'select' can take an optional parameter '-w win'
(very useful for diff mode)
• Bunch of fixes from Tom.
• Made TeX mode work properly with new scheme. This involves replacing
all 'insertText' with a special TeXinsertText which sends things to the
new template scheme. Also, since the template scheme automatically
jumps to the first template, lots of code is simplified: one can replace
set p [getPos] ; insertText "big insertion" ; goto $p ; nextTabStop
by just 'TeXinsertText "big insertion"' Menu bindings for nextTabStop
etc aren't completely setup yet. This may have to wait until we have
proper user-selectable bindings.
• Install code even better now. Can install large folers of code or
single files. Add 'install' anywhere to the first line of a .tcl file
which isn't in Alpha's hierarchy to check out the new code to install
a file like that.
• Modernised a bunch of modes (thanks Johan)
• Added numerous fixes from Johan and Tom
• Install code can now be over-ridden with various options.
• package-index-rebuilding further improved, so 'package provide' will
now also abort a source if required.
• Recalculate the auto_index before rebuilding it after installing
a package.
• saveasHook now correctly uses both oldName and newName as parameters.
• Added 'auto-install' feature.
• Added couple of missing print procs.
• Modified global menu, including a flags sub-menu now.
• Added some icons and stuff to the 'newMenuIcons.rsrc' file (e.g. for voodoo)
• Improvements to installation code. New facility to open a file once on
starting Alpha.
• Diff mode much improved.
• Beginnings of tutorial for writing new modes/packages.
• Lots of small stuff...
• Beginnings of general binding procedures; see dialogs.tcl
• Binding procs work now, at least for elec-code. Will need some changes
to integrate back into html mode. See config:global:elec-bindings for
an example.
• Further package improvements. Various menus are now packages. This leads
to a minor problem: these menus can be turned on and off in two different
• Installation scripts can now use '-remove' to remove obsolete files too.
• Fixed up TeX mode a bit more, removing obsolete code and files.
• New icons in resource; you must install them.
• Improvements to installation scripts; '-rebuildquit' and '-require' flags.
• Improved pascalMode.tcl, diffMode.tcl.
• Distribution is correct now (fixed a script problem I had)
• Improved mode tutorial
• Vars which end in 'Mode' now use a pop-up menu to select a mode when used
in any preferences dialog.
• Improved 'twiddle' command.
• Very cool new dialog features. Any item which ends in 'Folder' is a
folder preference, and has a 'Set…' button which allows it to be set
directly from the dialog box. This allows a mode to keep all of its
preferences in one place (no need for the user to discover 'App Paths').
Second, you can register new flag types in addition to the basic
'flag' and 'variable'. Currently only the type 'binding' is setup.
You just use 'global::newType binding' and can subsequently use
'newPref binding ...'. How does this work? Well, you need two new
proc dialog::specialView_binding {value} {
# convert 'value' to non-editable textual form for the options dialog
proc dialog::specialSet_binding {name} {
# prompt the user for a new value for the variable 'name'
# use global::getFlag, to get its value, and
# global::modified 'name' 'value' to tell the dialog that
# it was modified (if the user cancels, this change is later
# ignored)
New types will just need procs dialog::specialSet/View_${type} ...
• Improved Tcl file marking.
• Added type 'file'.
• App Paths menu is now obsolete, so it has been removed. TeX, Perl and
Mail code updated to use new file/folder prefs.
• package code checks version numbers now.
• Fixed major, though very infrequent, bug in newPref
• You can now lappend 'unset' variables to modifiedVars; when Alpha quits
such variables are removed from the user defs if they are still unset.
(otherwise the current value is of course saved).
• More menus are dynamically put together. Avoid the use of 'addMenuItem',
especially to the Utils and Config menus. You're better off using
menu::addTo 'name' 'items' which also allows you to add dynamic items
and sub-menus.
• Modified/cancelled special flags are set/unset properly now.
• New type 'menubinding' and 'binding'. Menu-bindings must contain
modifiers unless they are special keys, normal bindings need not.
• Other minor changes
• Added listvar, array and Sig types
• Forced to split global flags into two sub-blocks, since Alpha chokes on
calls to 'dialog' which are too long.
• dialog::pkg_options can now be used to edit the contents of any array:
dialog::pkg_options "" "Title of dialog box" 1 'array-name'
changes are recorded and will be remembered on startup.
(you can skip items by setting 'set ${array-name}Invisible(item) 1')
• fixes couple of recently introduced bugs
• added 'SearchPath' type: a list of folders
• made it easy to create and manipulate flag-menus and option-menus from
pre-existing mode/pkg prefs. (e.g. two of the filesets menu utilities
submenus use the new code)
• menu::addTo is more robust
• reorganised global flags menu
• can select prefix-chars in the key-binding dialog (emacs-ish ctrl-x ctrl-s)
• can select 'escape' as a prefix char too
• fixed stupid bug in dialog
• added 'quick find regexp' to search menu
• made the printer menu an optional package
• a few fixes from Johan, Tom and me.
• synchronise global menus and packages.
• version comparison works with alpha/beta/devel/final-candidate
• some new icons, dialog improvements, binding procedures
• new 'prefs::addPackage' proc which will add an item '${pkg} Prefs…' to the
global menu, and handle manipulation of a dialog for all '${pkg}modeVars'
• installer creates a log window if desired.
• installer handles 'ignore' files/dirs better now.
• How to deal with mode-vars which over-ride globals? There are a number of
problems here: first it _is_ useful to have a global preference, but then
have, in one mode, that global over-ridden. That happens automatically
right now. The problems arise when you switch to another mode: not only
is the global var _not_ set to its old value, but the global var is in
fact unset. Any ideas on how to resolve this? (Tcl 8 and namespaces
would make this easy, I think). I've put a solution to this in
'changeMode' now. It maintains a list of those globals which are over-
ridden by the current mode, and resets their values when that mode
switches out of scope. It's actually not that complex or time-consuming
a processs which is good (changeMode already does too much!). I still
anticipate a better solution if Alpha upgrades to Tcl 8.
• new install feature. Previously if the first line of the
'OPEN-TO-INSTALL' (or generally *INSTALL) file contained 'auto-install',
it would open iconified and the *install.tcl script sourced immediately.
This is still true, but further if the first line of the *INSTALL file
contains auto-install-script, then the *INSTALL file itself will be
sourced (make sure that first line starts with a '#' or there'll be an
error). This removes the need for silly one-line files with 'auto-install'
at the top.
• Number of small bug-fixes and improvements.
• Tcl proc/var completion improved. (context sensitive)
• codewarrior menu improving...
• java, C++ mode improvements, Java completions
• gnuplot mode updated even more. Added 'editPrefs' hook.
• added file creator->mode mappings e.g. 'set modeCreator(GPLT) GPLT'
• added tclIndex files to distribution for first time users
• dialogs support arrow keys for bindings/menu items. Seems as if menu items
don't quite work in menus (I guess they aren't 'special' keys)
• better use-package menu (but works around a stack of nasty menu-bugs)
• bug fixes to few dialogs.
• colour dialog items grouped at end for modes.
• renamed 'modifiedModeVars' to 'modifiedArrayElements'; it was being used
in so many places where 'Mode' was not relevant that the new name is more
clear. You can still use the old name, but the newer one is better.
• global/mode over-riding of variables completely transparent now. One key
feature is the changing a mode-specific value must happen in the mode-prefs
dialog, and changing a global value must happen in the global-prefs dialog.
If you do change a global value while it is over-ridden, the global value
does change, the mode-value does not (and remains in force), and the user
is warned that they adjusted a hidden variable, not the mode one. Again,
I'm sure this variable-scope-mess would be much alleviated with namespaces.
• the above change meant the removal of 'generalElectricTab' and
'modeSpecificElectricTab', to be replaced by a single global flag
'electricTab', which is over-ridden by mode-specific flags of the same
name. This global flag is off by default.
• fixed minor colour problem in dialogs
• url downloading will work if you set your downloadFolder correctly
• cleaned up some temporary code.
• diffMode fixes, install fixes, dialog fixes
• url/www/ftp improvements
• You can hopefully use Alpha to download files from my web site now,
although there are probably still bugs in the code.
• WARNING: completely new, incompatible replyHandler registration.
• What to do about 'handleReply'? it handles apple-event replies in some
sort of queued fashion, and is used variously by the ftpMenu code,
voodooMenu, and there is also a default in appleevents.tcl Presumably
there should be one 'handleReply' which somehow knows who sent the
original event and passes the reply on to a given handler. I've
sorted this now. There is one handleReply with which any other
handler may be registered using 'currentReplyHandler procname'.
That proc takes one argument, the reply which is to be handled
(maybe). If it does handle that reply it should return '1', else
anything it likes. You should call 'currentReplyHandler' just
before every apple-event call which has a queued reply.
• Used a different mechanism for rebuild package indices so I don't have
to alter smarterSource in any way. I now use 'return -code 11' to
abort source statements.
• Turned 'smarterSource' into a package rather than part of the core.
• Rewrote some of the menu-building code. Use 'menu::insert' to add
items to pre-existing menus. It's more tk-like now.
• recentFiles menu is now a package.
• fixed nasty dialog bug in multi-page ones (hadn't reset some vars)
• made dialog code more robust to index vars badly set.
• fixes from Tom, Johan (in particular ftp code is much improved)
• even better regIsearch (very useful proc Tom's been improving)
• really made dialog code robust to index vars.
• get files from web/update list of packages should all work ok now
• numerous small fixes
• fixed up unknown procedure to be more robust (nabbed from Tcl8)
• '!!' works in the shell window now.
• better synchronisation of package activation with the menu
• better tcl mark file
• appPaths.tcl reorganised
• got code ready for 7.0 release (renamed NewMenus/Modes/System etc.)
• renamed 'package' to 'alpha::package'. This is to make it less hassle
if Alpha upgrades to Tcl 8.0.
• fixed menu dialog bug, install files bug, rebuild indices bug.
• fileset fast word count is gibberish.
• scrollbars of split window get confused
• batch multi dir
= 6.52 Released!
• Incompatibility w/ Kaleidescope fixed.
= 6.51 Released!
• New java mode.
= 6.51b14 5-2-96
• Fixes some problems introduced w/ filesets in last version.
= 6.51b13 4-13-96
• Fixes to fortran and perl modes.
• The updated java mode should be in this version...
• Updates to fileset procs. You may need to remove your preferences...
= 6.51b12 4-3-96
• 'showInvisibles' now available from mode popup in status bar.
• can again drag to end of buffer.
• Java mode updated.
• FTP'd files no longer give the "Wrap?" dialog.
• Directory scan in find dialog easier to use.
• word-match works w/ non-multi batch
= 6.51b11 3-31-96
• Many of the bug fixes hadn't gotten copied into the release dir for b10.
They are here now.
= 6.51b10 3-31-96
• 'rebuildFtpMenu' now works correctly out of the box.
• fix for 'endLineSelect'.
• Removed latex palette item and added help item.
• Easier to decide not to tearoff menus.
• HTML fixes.
• Perl filters work again.
= 6.51b9 3-31-96
• Command-click on a URL now selects it and sends off to internet config.
• regular expression search bug introduced in 6.21 fixed.
• 'insertText' now properly preserves the "mark".
= 6.51b8 3-31-96
• Alpha now knows that the Internet Explorer understands open-URL events.
• "Keyboard" macros can now be named and saved.
• 'recentProc' now exists again.
• Bug w/ menu floats not always opening fixed.
• Up-to-date html docs.
= 6.51b7 3-31-96
• Floating point precision problem fixed in calculator.
• Innumerable Tcl bug fixes by Vince Darley.
• HTML mode 1.4.
• "Helper Apps" on Config menu allows helper apps to be reconfigured.
• 'search' now works w/ 'searchStart'.
• added 'tearoffMenus' flag.
• brace blink problem corrected.
= 6.51b5 11-26-96
• IC Menu now has a telnet item, works w/ NCSA telnet.
• 'coloring' now affects color-while-you-type.
• New HTML mode and docs.
• A myriad of other small changes.
• Includes new version of Mercutio MDEF, internet config.
• Cache of temporary ftp mounts points.
• Can turn off all caching of mount points.
• Can now create new files at ftp mount points.
• setFileInfo has new 'pathname' type.
= 6.51b3 8-26-96
• 'sendUrl' again works from the menu.
• 'matchIt' has optional param
• 'eventHandler' w/ no new proc returns current handler
• HTML menu can now be torn off.
• Torn-off mode menus automatically hide and reappear.
= 6.51b2 8-26-96
• IC Menu now contains a 'finger' item. Works w/ Peter Lewis's finger
• New version of MDEF. Hopefully, this version won't crash.
• 'Move files' in HTML mode no longer remove empty lines in the moved files.
= 6.51 8-26-96
• Menus tear off!
• 'gotoFunc' added to Text menus, assigned old gotoMark key binding.
• 'cd' once again silently supplies the leading colon on relative
• Problem of loading 'prefs.tcl' a second time fixed.
• 'findFile' and 'getfile' now accept an optional argument that specifies a
default directory or file.
• Titlebar popup now brings up findfile to correct dir or file.
• wordCompletion enhanced to allow underlines, and bound to F1.
• includeFiles menu fixed.
• C/C++ func menu now includes include files.
• Documented 'setCreator' and 'setType' in shell help file.
= 6.5 Released - 8-23-96
= 6.22 8-19-96
• Another change to the C mode 'parseExpr'.
= 6.21 8-18-96
• 'regexp' now handles perl extensions such as \w in square brackets
• C, C++, and Java func expr fixes.
• C++ now default mode for .c and .h files. CodeWarrior and ThinkRef
default C/C++ menus.
= 6.2b17 7-31-96
• 'Recent' submenu added to AlphaLite.
• CW 10 will support extern apps! See here, young man.
= 6.2b16 7-31-96
• Fixed screwup in the latex funcs menu.
= 6.2b15 7-31-96
• Drag in read-only window no longer messes up hiliting.
• Triple-clicking is back.
• "Latex Guide" html version is back in full Alpha version.
• Codewarrior menu 'touch's file w/ IDE, so "Modification Date Caching"
*can* be enabled in the project preferences.
• The "Funcs" menu is back, and has now been reassigned the curly braces
icon. The marks menu has been moved to the icon w/ the big 'M'.
= 6.2b14 7-31-96
• Electric left at end of buffer fix.
• Palette crasher fixed.
• Some attempt to fix the intermittent problems w/ menu font sizes that some
people has been made. If it doesn't do it for you, you can turn them off
via the global variable 'smallMenuFont'.
• Workaround for some of the color problems w/ the status window.
• Closed hand appears immediately on drag.
= 6.2b13 7-31-96
• *Now* 'puts' to stdout is transparently ignored.
• The name of the 'Trash' eudora folder can now be changed.
• 'fillText' (and hence soft wrapping) now also respect the 'doubleSpaces'
• HTML 1.2 changes.
• Global config dialog smaller.
• The crash when opening and then closing an empty window on 68ks seems to
have disappeared.
= 6.2b12 7-18-96
• FTP and Fileset menus are back to where they should be.
• Help and palette menu items added for perl menu.
• Mail messages now show dates.
• Electric braces, returns, and semicolons now work in perl
mode. Added hierarchical help menu and palette to perl menu.
• electricC-blah routines are now just 'electric', and live in electric.tcl,
which used to be indentLine.tcl.
• HTML send-window can now tolerate windows w/ ' <n>' appended.
• Word-wrap crash w/ very long lines now fixed.
• Skew of Marks menu in dialog fixed.
= 6.2b11 7-18-96
• Changed 'winNames' back.
• Fixed redraw problem when backspacing w/ palette visible.
• Changed bindings for (sendtence|paragraph)Region.
• 'puts' now null proc.
• Annoying flicker when selecting text gone.
= 6.2b10 7-17-96
• Added wdef w/ border for pre-system-7.5 users.
• Floats can now be bound to mode w/ -z.
• Date routines fixed for year 2000 :-)
• winNames -f will no longer have ' <n>' appended.
• Removing 'All' from the popup marks menu now only removes the front
window's marks.
• Various fileset and html fixes.
= 6.2b9 7-7-96
• More latex changes, improvements, and documentation.
• Alpha can now be "deconstructed". See here.
= 6.2b8 7-7-96
• Floaters close if their menu is redefined.
• "Suffix Mapping" menu item under Config allows suffixes to be reassigned
among modes.
• ftpMode listing name formed differently
• New latex mode. 2.09 support is back.
= 6.2b7 6-29-96
• fixed diff mechanism
• a couple of fixes for html
• "Rebuild Tcl Indices" no longer picks up commented-out procs.
= 6.2b6 6-28-96
• faster scrolling behind floating windows.
• added '-n' option for floats.
• Big reorganization of Tcl code. See here.
• Fixed batch dir searches.
= 6.2b5 6-23-96
• fixed scrolling behind floating windows, although still slow.
• added 'float' and 'unfloat'.
= 6.2b4 6-23-96
• New latex changes.
• fixes for carriage return problem introduced in b3.
= 6.2b3 6-13-96
• Added new 'substituteWindow' as alternate to 'chooseWindow' in menu.
• Changed dynamic loading mechanism, saves memory, should work the same
unless you access auto_index or the 'tclIndex' file.
• added a call to 'savePostHook'.
• added ftp (Anarchy) menu. No docs yet.
= 6.2b2 6-8-96
• Function-call colorizing fixes.
• Changed windows menu a bit.
• sendUrl didn't work if HTML mode hadn't been used. Fixed.
• 68k 'eventHandler' finally fixed!!
• Remove marks handles metachars.
• Latex 3.2b9.
= 6.2b1 6-8-96
• Fixed new-fileset menu item from find dialog.
• Function-call coloring available for C and C++ modes.
= 6.2a6 6-7-96
• Fixed glob on other volumes bug.
• Mercutio 1.3b9.
= 6.2a5 6-7-96
• Fixed blank chars if typing as new window opened.
• Coloring bug with multiple-line colorized hunks of text fixed.
• 'printHeaderProc' replaced w/ 'printLeftHeader' and 'printRightHeader'.
• Fixed mode suffix bugs introduced in a4.
= 6.2a4 6-6-96
• Moved to CW8.
• Moved to Mercutio 1.3b6
• Added listpick interface to IC menu urls.
• 'immediateSend' now menu flag for eudora mode.
• Current mode can be changed via "Config:Current Mode:Change…"
• Current mode suffixes can be changed via the "Config:Current Mode:Flags…"
• Added all of Vince's fileset stuff.
• HTML mode changes.
= 6.2a3 2-15-96
• '-c' option added to menu command tells menu routines to ignore
• Added 'pushd', 'popd', and 'dirs' shell commands.
• String-coloring bug fixed.
• New LaTeX version.
= 6.2a2 2-15-96
• Memory corruption problem fixed.
• Changed html.tcl htmlMode.tcl sendUrl to use 'browserSig' var instead of
• getWinInfo gets 'currline'.
• Enter key now sort of emulates what I'm told it does in Brief.
• Added HTML table row to tab-delimited format and back.
• 'dialog's popup menus no longer are scanned for command equivalents.
• searching for reg expr '\\reg' will now match '\reg'.
• Batch search now works for single-file searches as well.
= 6.2a1 2-15-96
• 'OpenHeader' added to CodeWarrior menu.
• option-mouse-down in code-warrior files now pops up a headers menu.
• "Find In Next File" now command-M in AlphaLite as well.
• Added 'nameFromAppl', which allows path to be found from creator.
• Many pathvars tossed.
• Added 'doubleSpaces' flag.
• 'addAlphaChars' allows characters to be added to definition of 'isalpha' and
• Regular expressions can now use '\w', '\W', '\s', '\S', '\b', '\B', '\d',
and '\D'. All but '\b' and '\B' can also be used inside of character classes.
• Delete filesets now works on enumerated filesets as well as non-enumerated.
• Improved HTML mode.
• Global variable substitution now performed on 'backDir'.
• Holding down the shift key during startup tells Alpha to skip
preferences files.
• 'edit' now accepts '-c' option that tells is to bring existing files to
front without asking if duplicate needed.
• glob bug fixed.
= 6.12 2-15-96
• Bad regular expression no longer complains for every file in fileset.
• Eudora alert annoyance removed.
• Support for Java syntax coloring and editing added.
• "Edit Nicknames" bug fixed.
= 6.11 2-11-96
• grep multi-file search/replace bug fixed
• 'special chars' color fix
• global menus
• nicknames w/ eudora
• Alpha now has its very own calculator.
• 'shell' param for setWinInfo
• thumb can no longer be dragged past max size of win (problem for win length
greater than 32k).
• 'killWindowStatus' default now front window.
• 'moveInsertionHere' now deselects first.
= 6.1 2-1-96
• Added '.' and '\' to list of chars escaped for non-grep batch searches.
• String-coloring draw problem fixed (sometimes printed chars from next line on
current line).
• Another IC tweak.
• Another Fortran mode tweak by the many Toms.
= 6.098 2-1-96
• Fixed non-grep batch searching problem.
• Typing in strings now colored.
• TeX prefs split into two pages.
• Potentially evil bug fixed for modes that don't color strings.
• CodeWarrior flag problem fixed.
• Internet Config clients on other volumes should open now.
= 6.097 1-20-96
• Changed bindings for 'Iconify'.
• 'noShiftBinding' gone.
• 'removeSavedSetting' now saves modifed vars first.
• new scheme mode
• regModeKeywords can now color strings.
• Coloring for keywords, strings, comments can be changed in mode dialog.
• Version 3.1 of Tom Scavo's TeX mode.
= 6.0963 1-19-96
• Change in the preferences dialog.
• Back to caret to denote control modifiers in menus.
• Changed command equiv for searchNextFile.
= 6.0962 1-18-96
• Fixes 'Find' crasher.
= 6.096 1-15-96
• 3.1 beta TeX mode by Tom Scavo.
• radio buttons and gray outlines added to 'dialog'.
• 'Escape' selects Cancel button again.
• Hopefully, the crashing w/ simple key sequences on international
keyboards is fixed.
= 6.095 1-7-96
• Non-alphanumeric mailbox names handled.
• "Revert To Backup" added to file menu.
• Replace-all can now be aborted w/ command-.
• multi-line comment coloring problem fixed.
• Eudora and config menus continue to evolve. The eudora mode, especially, I
think is especially slick. Opening mailboxes large is still slow, but
everything else works pretty well.
• Improved CodeWarrior error reporting from John Dunning.
• New icons for function keys in menus. The 'control' icon is now
different (looks like a picnic table).
• 'wordWrap' and 'softWrap' subsumed into a single variable ('wordWrap'), and
accessed via a menu in the status bar.
• Non-regular-expression batch searches now work correctly.
• Config menu re-arranged. Flags and vars now set using dialog.
• New 'dialog' function.
= 6.094 1-7-96
• Row-col indicator changes again.
• Drag bar problems fixed.
• Eudora mode significantly improved.
= 6.093 1-6-96
• Row-col indicator works for >10000 lines again.
• Fixed open-file bug recently introduced.
= 6.092 1-6-96
• Command-click on title now gives enabled menu, result is sent to tcl proc
'titlebar', currently opens the folder in the Finder.
• A few Eudora mode changes, now we have docs!
• Other random, assorted minor fixes.
= 6.091 1-4-96
• region modifiers now taken notice of read-only status
• text menu alternation problem fixed.
• space and delete work intelligently in browser and mail modes.
= 6.09 1-4-96
• File and mode-selection popup are now in the status window.
• 'showPlatform', 'showRowCol', and 'showMode' are gone, in effect always on.
= 6.08 1-2-96
• Another menu re-configuration. Help menu gone, everything now under system
help menu.
• "Quick Start" doc added.
• The "Sort Lines" menu item (under Text) now alternates w/ "Reverse Sort".
• "Mode Info" and "File Info" popups separated. "File Info" still popup,
"Mode Info" now under Config.
• You can no longer bring a window to the front and drag it in one click.
Let me know if you disagree w/ this. I had several complaints about the
current setup.
= 6.07 1-2-96
• Internet Config warning (on startup) removed.
• drag warning narrowed.
• obscure 'addAppPaths' bug fixed.
• defaults for color picker added.
• Slight menu re-configuration.
• Command-click and command-double-click differentiated a bit better.
= 6.06 1-2-96
• Redraw bug w/ split panes fixed.
• Bugs w/ command-double-clicking and slow file loads (both added in 6.05)
= 6.05 1-1-96
• 'colorTriple' now takes an initial color.
• new routine icURL <URL> that passes arg to Internet Config, if present.
• command-clicking passes the text to Internet Config (doesn't yet work for
68k version).
• New Internet Config menu.
• New soft-wrapping feature. Vars 'wrapLow', and 'wrapHigh'.
• 'Push' and 'pop' marks moved up a level in Search menu. Hypertext jumps
now call 'pushMark' before performing the action.
= 6.04 12-25-95
• Cmd-double-clicking procs can now notice a "control"
modifier of the basic command-double-clicking. No mode yet uses this.
• Red and blue colors changed slightly.
• Eudora mode subject display glitch fixed.
• Fixed nastly little memory bug (which usually showed up while pasting
large chunks of text).
• XTCLs are gone. They will be replaced in the near future by the standard
Tcl extension mechanism. See Ray Johnson at SunLabs for more details.
• Bug inserting literals ampersands fixed.
• Discrepancy between two versions of 'menu' command fixed. Menuprocs are
called w/ two arguments, return value ignored.
• Tag files now always created type mac, prompt for wrapping tagwin no
longer occurs.
• If the first line of a file contains the text 'nowrap' anywhere in it,
the wrap prompt is not displayed, regardless of the line lengths.
= 6.03 12-11-95
• Including Pete Gontier's ClickWarrior, an init that vectors clicks in
CodeWarrior's project window to Alpha. See here for details.
• Fixed HTML display problem.
• Enhanced Fortran mode, mode-specific indentLine, fileset-specific
'cTAGS' from Tom Pollard. Also an 'emacs' smartMode in :Tcl:UserCode.
= 6.02 11-11-95
• Command-double-clicking on a URL now sends it to your web browser. See
here to customize.
• More of Vince Darley's Tcl code, new marking routines for C, C++, Tcl.
New rebuildTclIndices. (un)Commentbox(paragraph).
• Inserting text in keyboard macro doesn't mess up mark.
• Alpha menu icons don't pop up when other apps frontmost.
• "Recent Files" list can now be reset. Only one instance of a given
filename can now be in list.
• Added "Redefine colors…" submenu off Mode. See manual.
• Added Vince Darley's fillParagraph and smarterSource code.
• Added mode-specific prefs (not Vince's).
• Mail mode allows you to tell Eudora to quit notifying Alpha.
= 6.01 7-21-95
• 'repeatSearchBackward' and 'repeatSearchForward' now work correctly in
• added/changed 'searchString'/'replaceString'.
= 6.01 7-21-95
• MacPerl mode fixes, new help files for MacPerl and BibTeX.
• Patterns menu from the find dialog now gets updated.
• "Drop•PS" is now selectable from the print menu.
• Very rudimentary eudora interface added. Install via the 'Utils' menu.
• Added 'tileMargin' var so that different win styles, such as those of
'Aaron', look right.
• Added 'eventHandler' hook to allow Tcl scripts to respond to incoming
Apple Events.
• Latex bug fixed.
= 6.0 7-16-95!
• Added 'Bib' to modes 'commentBox' recognizes.
= 6.0b28 7-16-95
• Fixed some distribution problems.
= 6.0b28 7-16-95
• Added 'Send Url' to Utils menu, moved emacs menu over to Mode.
• Fixed DOS-file crash.
• Fixed top-level HTML menu problem.
• New mode definitions for ADA flex/yacc
• New fixes/additions to Perl and BibTeX modes.
= 6.0b27 7-11-95
• New (and final, for a while) latex mode.
• "Remove Saved Setting" no longer unsets the variable.
• Changed HTML mode icon to Netscape, added a "Send URL to Netscape" item
under the HTML URLs submenu.
= 6.0b26 7-4-95
• Lock icon now redraws after resume.
• Another try at alleviating the annoying dialogs when using TPM 7.0.4.
• Another try at word-wrapping.
• A couple of drag-scrolling bugs in split-pane windows fixed.
= 6.0b25 7-4-95
• New HTML version
• 'indentOnCR' now respected during word wrapping.
• bug fix in bibtex mode.
• Crashing bug w/ split windows fixed.
• Read-only 'lock' icon now above vertical scrollbar.
= 6.0b24 7-3-95
• word-wrapping now uses vars 'wrapBreak' and 'wrapBreakPreface'.
• flags now work in C++ mode.
• New LaTeX version.
• "Find Options" dialog problems fixed.
= 6.0b23 7-3-95
• 'Win Sets' are gone. However, you can entirely duplicate their behavior
by using 'Create Fileset From Wins' and 'Open Entire Fileset' under the
"FileSets:Utilities" submenu.
• Nasty little (real old) bug that caused the cursor to appear only briefly
after a command executed finally fixed.
• Moved 'hilite' out of a Search submenu.
• "Replace in Fileset" moved to control alternate of "Replace All".
• Bug w/ queued replies (usually seen w/ think project manager) fixed.
• Fortran comment coloring bug fixed.
• Split pane bug fix.
• Word-wrapping bug.
• Fixed some hiliting bugs. In doing so, I broke scrolling when covered by
floating windows. For those of you that this affects, for right now I
say, "Don't Do That."
• Fixed "Goto Tab Stop" problem in TeX mode.
• 3D buttons have gone away. If you liked them, I suggest you get the "
Aaron" init. This should also fix the problem w/ crashing on the original
= 6.0b22 7-1-95
• Redraw fixes w/ multiple panes.
• Enable/disable emacs persists across executions.
• Changed buttons, etc.
• New version of latex code.
• Added 'Replace In Fileset" proc.
• Can now create filesets on the fly from the find window.
= 6.0b21 6-12-95
• Addition of underline keywords for latex mode (not in place yet).
• 'word match' works w/ batch searches.
• Multi-file directory scans have option of text-only.
• Final latex mode nearing completion.
• Small html and bibtex mode changes.
• Bindings w/ a shift, but not a command, control, or option, now work.
• 'latex' 2.09 proc works again....
= 6.0b20 6-11-95
• Fix in 'showVarValue'.
• 'editMark' now creates marks if they don't exist.
• Print submenu changed, can now set default printer app.
• Clicking on drag bar of inactive window makes active and then continues
to drag.
• indentLine/indentRegion and lineToParagraph/paragraphToLine added to
Convert menu.
• sendOpenEvent takes an option that tells it to not wait for a reply.
• Comment colorizing better.
• Files w/ Projector's "ModifyReadOnly" flag set can now be modified.
• LaTeX mode almost finished…
= 6.0b19 6-5-95
• Popup menus from the 'prompt' command now correctly display spacers.
• Lots of new latex and perl changes/fixes. 'latex' in the 2.09 version
works now.
• 'alpharc.tcl' has been renamed 'prefs.tcl'. Probably the last name change
in a while :-).
• Directory comparisons seem to be working on my machine...
• Printing through various apps allowed.
= 6.0b18 6-3-95
• Added docs for the new preferences routines ('addDef', 'addArrDef',
'removeDef', and 'removeArrDef', fixed some problems, added
a menu item to open up the new alpharc.tcl file, addUserLine now writes
to alpharc instead of userStartup.
• Slightly re-organized the Filesets menu.
• 'menu' now takes a "mode" flag.
= 6.0b17 6-3-95
• Added new user preferences system, use addDef/removeDef and
addArrDef/removeArrDef pairs. In prefs.tcl. 'userStartup.tcl' is no
longer sourced! However, there is now a new file called "alpharc.tcl"
that is sourced from the prefs folder. No tcl routines add text to
this file.
• Added new "recent files" sub-menu to File menu. "Recent" files can also
be opened via the 'editFile' dialog.
= 6.0b16 6-2-95
• cleaned up some messes put in w/ b15
= 6.0b15 5-29-95
• ordinary deletions after rectangular deletions work better.
• PPC scrollbar problem gone
• Text buffers now allocated via mac routines vs unix, hopefully giving
low memory behavior.
= 6.0b14 5-29-95
• "Mode:App Paths" a bit easier to use
• pathnames longer than 128 chars work
• bindings from non-active menus are not active either
• some split-pane redrawing problems fixed
• 'statusPrompt' no longer appends a space to the prompt
• shift no longer works as a binding modifier except for alpha-numerics
• command-shift-dash for "Switch to" for compilers now command-shift-s
• Nasty bug w/ get_directory and get_file fixed.
• All function keys/arrow keys now terminate incremental searches.
• 'get_directory' now accepts a prompt argument.
• 'statusPrompt' doesn't have problems w/ activate events any more
• 'prompt' no longer interprets slashes as command equivalents in menu
• command-v now 'paste's from within 'statusPrompt'
• 8-bit chars handled better.
• Repeat searches now always move at least one char before matching. Let
me know what you think.
• Some fixes for search-replacements w/ null patterns or replacement
strings. '&' in a grep replacement string now works correctly.
= 6.0b13 3-25-95
• Scrolling vertically through window correctly redraws when obscured by a
single floating window.
• 'addUserLine' now uses curly braces instead of parens.
• Cmd-double-clicking now works for "C" tags, Tcl procs in UserCode or
SystemCode, and words in the Tcl language. Can also access by selecting
a word and using the "Modes:Lookup Name" menu item.
• 68k on primitive 68ks better :-)
• Bug w/ hiliting on split windows fixed.
• Emacs menu can be turned on and off.
• Double-clicking on split-window bar toggles split window.
= 6.0b12 3-20-95
• New price structure, new registration system.
• Command-. works again.
• 'puts' spits carriage returns again.
• better replaceAll behavior
• Added '<E' extend style to menu items, forces new dynamic item
alternate group.
• Added 'getColors' command.
• Added hyperText ability.
• 'saveAs' changed.
• cmd-double-clicking in the window no longer brings up the mark menu,
but clicking on the curly braces and command-clicking on the titlebar both
still do. cmd-double-clicking now tries to find the definition of a C
function (See here).
= 6.0b11 3-17-95
• powerThumb back.
• filesets menu now responds to changes in file system if rebuilt.
However, this only works for filesets created this by this version or
higher. If you want to manually hack your userStartup.tcl to use your
old filesets, look at how the 'System' etc. filesets are defined in
• AEBuild works for 68k again.
• numlock is displayed on the statusbar
= 6.0b10 3-15-95
• 68k scrollbar thumb, titlebar popup crashes fixed
• 'numLock' flag added to remove bindings from keypad and use as keypad.
The "clear" or numlock keypad key now toggles this binding.
• 'scanfile' (and hence the grep procs) handle unix and ibm files better.
= 6.0b9 3-1-95
• Alpha correctly creates startup file and directory now.
• Keybinding and lookup done differently. Hopefully, the new scheme will
allow will better for international users. Please send me mail on
whether this is true. Also, handling of the CapsLock key should be much
• Crashing when dragging thumb gone, but had to temporarily kill
powerThumb feature.
• Changed 'Csh' mode to 'Shel' mode.
= 6.0b8 3-1-95 Switched to CodeWarrior, introduced many problems…
• INCOMPATIBILITY! "userStartup.tcl" must now be in a "Alpha" folder
within your system preferences directory. Alpha will no longer find the
old preferences, and WILL NOT copy it over for you.
• command-click on window title now give popup menu showing location
• cleaner proc now copies instead of moving
• isearch doesn't quit when encountering bound characters unless with
command, control, or option.
• no longer support option modifed US KCHR resource that gets rid of dead
• Holding down control (sorry, option unavailable because of rectangular
editing) while clicking on paren selects paren in addition to contained
• Toolbox Assistant support added. By default, this has been added to the
WHICH MENUS THESE MODES DISPLAY. If this is the case, just use the
'setModeMenus' option under the bottom popup menu above the vertical
• "Mode:App Paths" allows Alpha's paths to various other applications to
be viewed, changed, or reset.
• Added commands 'splitWindow' and 'otherPane'. Not quite complete.
• Added postscript mode.
• Several colorizing bugs fixed, most having to do w/ comments.
• 'optionIsMeta' gone completely
• added 'forceMainScreen' flag. When set, all windows are forced to be
completely visible on the main screen. Otherwise, they just stay
whereever they open.
• 'suppressHeader' phased out in favor of 'printHeader',
'printHeaderTime', and 'printHeaderFullPath'.
• 'maskCapsLock' is gone, and capslock is handled more intelligently, at
least for US keyboards. This *will* be getting better in future versions.
= 6.0b7 11-14-94
• CodeWarrior fixes:
- create warrior fileset now notices more than one segment
- timeouts are longer
= 6.0b6 11-14-94
• Added a few things to support CodeWarrior.
• 'edit' now has -w option.
= 6.0b4 11-11-94
• added 'openTexWindow' to "Latex Utilities" submenu.
• fixed bugs in 'newModeVar', 'display'.
• slightly changed next/prev(sub)section latex commands to display
selected line at top of window
• 'userStartup.tcl' moved to "Internal:System Folder:Preferences:Alpha userStartup.tcl"
• GNU diff now works for directories other than the startup disk
• display bug fixed
= 6.0b3 11-11-94
• 'replaceText' bug fixed
• userStartup cleaner added at quit
• Compare directories is here!
• text clippings can now be imported via drag and drop
• Now check for drag-n-drop init...
= 6.0b2 10-26-94
• 'posActivate' gone
• Alpha now defines 'screenWidth' and 'screenHeight' variables.
• Alpha now checks for windows off screen
• Apple drag-n-drop of text and files supported.
= 5.98 10-26-94
• Fancy new menus!
• added Pascal mode. By default, this only recognizes files with .p suffixes.
• '-s' search option now saves 'forward', 'regExpr', 'matchWords', and
• menus now dynamically sourced.
• if '&' last char in menu item, no special chars interpreted.
• 'regModeKeywords' now allows additional keywords to be added, possible
of a different color than older keywords.
• 'largestPrefix' returns largest common prefix of a list of strings.
• 'getNamedMarks' changed behavior.
• 'regModeKeywords' has been changed.
• "File:Win Sets" submenu.
• Assorted color improvements.
• 'listpick' now returns an error if "Cancel" is selected.
• double-clicking on parens, square brackets, and curly brances selects
entire expression.
= 5.97 9-26-94
• ReplaceAll now notices and complains about regular expressions that
match zero-length pieces of text.
• Included GNU Diff w/ distribution. I forgot it w/ the previous two
= 5.96 9-25-94